The Gym

The Gym
The Gym

Tripod consists of two different gyms within the same facility, the Big gym and the small gym.

In the big gym, you will find a very unique and awesome set up, consisting of 5 sections that are each fully equipped with state of the art functional fitness equipment - Pull-up Bars, Olympic Barbells and Plates, Dumbbells, Kettlebells, Medicine Balls, Gymnastic Rings, strongman equipment, Ergs and more.  So you can either enjoy the classes held in the main gangway or book Open Gym and head into one of the gym sections for a solo or small group session with your pals.

The small gym is used for more intimate classes such as Crossfit Beginners and Crossfit Gymnastics, allowing the coaches to give more individual attention to participants to ensure quality of movement and technique is being thought.

We also have a great outdoor space where we often hold classes when the weather permits. 

The gym is equipped with toilets, individual showers and private changing rooms, a recovery room, physiotherapy clinic and on-site parking accessible to all.  

The big gym is located under the Basketball Pavilion in Ta’ Qali, and you can find our small gym in the adjacent building.